Vision Board

 Vision Board 

The concept/ Idea behind my 2024 vision board is “Ambition”, hence having ambition or being ambitious you can get a lot of things done. Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. All my pictures are related to ambition: (1) Achieving financial success and stability through the money-related picture. (2) Prioritizing self-care and personal growth to support my ambitious endeavors through the picture of the female, and the word love. (3) Nurturing important family and interpersonal relationships that provides a foundation for my ambitions through the family related image. (4) Pursuing my educational and intellectual growth through the books and academic pursuits image. (5) Setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals (SMART goals) to channel my ambition effectively. (6) Seeking guidance and support from others, represented by the "helping hand" imagery. (7) Lastly, incorporating elements of vacation and contemplation about "what's next?" to maintain a balanced approach to my ambitions. The techniques I used were firstly to draw my layout which includes sketching the layout, leveraging online resources for images, and utilizing design techniques like the clipping masks, to demonstrates my thoughtful and multifaceted approach to realizing my 2024 vision. Followed by navigating with the clipping mask that allows me to merge two layers together, navigating through different images, fonts, and brushes bringing my vision board to life. Overall, my 2024 vision board showcases a comprehensive and well-rounded strategy for pursuing my ambitions, with a focus on personal growth, financial stability, education, relationships, and a balanced approach to my goals. This thoughtful and intentional design reflects my drive and determination to make the most of the year ahead.


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